Tuesday Motivation🤎

“We must hold on to the hope we have, never hesitating to tell people about it. We can trust God to do what he promised. We should think about each other to see how we can encourage each other to show love and do good works. We must not quit meeting together, as some are doing. No, we need to keep on encouraging each other. This becomes more and more important as you see the Day getting closer.”
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭10‬:‭23‬-‭25‬ ‭ERV‬‬

Why should we go to church? Having a good church home can give you strength, growth, and encouraged. Jesus will soon return. During this time before Jesus comes back, we should be guiding and helping each other as a church family. Ask and let God lead you to the right church home. 


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